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Mental Health Education in schools

Making a Difference

Mental Health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. Mental Health affects how a person feels, thinks and behaves. It often influences daily life, relationships with the people around them and their ability to find enjoyment in daily life.
Due to the nature of mental health conditions, it is virtually impossible for the behaviours associated with mental health, not to overlap into school life. This is more evident when we look at the fact that mental health conditions are just as likely in school, as they are in the wider, general population. Mental health conditions do not discriminate, anyone is susceptible, and age is irrelevant.

Mental Health and Education:

Here are numerous ways which mental health conditions can affect school life:
  • Attainment – drop in grades
  • Attendance – either due to being too unwell to attend school, or truancy due to their feelings and emotions
  • Classroom disruptions – emotional outbursts, disruptive behaviours
  • Miss deadlines
  • May not turn up for exams, or other assessments
  • Become disorganised with workload – forget deadlines, forget books, forget to hand homework in etc.
  • Low morale and loss of interest
  • Poor quality of work that is handed in
  • Fatigue – regardless of how much, or little, sleep being had at home
  • Easily upset, no confidence
  • No involvement in class activities or group projects
Because of the impact mental health can have on education and attainment, we have developed a series of teacher and pupil training programmes.

Our training covers both pupil and teaching staff within primary and secondary schools.

The training available can be purchased from The Lotus Mental Health with a donation made to our charity.

Please contact us if you would like more information about the training and classroom materials we provide.
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​The Lotus Mental Health is a registered charity in England and Wales. Registered charity number: 1178502

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