News and Updates
Hello and welcome to our News and Updates page!
Here you will find information about a number of posts relating to The Lotus Mental Health, including news about funding, fundraising, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and much more!
To continue to provide the most up to date and relevant, advice, information, and support, that we can, we spend some of our time completing courses in our spare time.
Orange Button Scheme
Our CEO Carla completed a two day ASIST training course as part of The Orange Button Community Scheme.
What does that mean?
Orange Button holders are recognised individuals who have undertaken suicide prevention/suicide first aid training.
By wearing the Orange Button it signals to individuals that Carla is comfortable around the topic of suicide, and is able to listen to people talking about suicide without judgement.
Children and Adolescents Counselling Course Level Two
Much of the work carried out by The Lotus Mental Health is aimed at supporting the Parents and Carers of children, adolescents, and young people who are struggling with their mental health.
Because of this, it's important to make sure we maintain our knowledge and understanding of children's mental health.
Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the workplace - Level Two
Due to the unfortunate increases in people struggling with their mental health, along with ever changing legislation and available mental health services, we believe it is important to keep our Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy up to date.
Royal Approval!
When we first opened our mental health support drop-in centres, we wrote a letter to HRH Catherine Princess of Wales, and received this lovely letter of support for our cause
We have received our first funding grant!
After almost 12 months of application forms, funding bids, and grant applications, we are extremely pleased to announce that we have secured our first funding grant!
Newground together have made it possible for our Mental Health Support for Parents and Carers who are concerned about their child's mental health to continue for a few more months!
With this grant we are able to provide Parents and Carers with coping tools to give to their child(ren), as well continue providing emotional support, advice, and information, to the Parents and Carers who need to access our service.